
Rainy Day in Leiria

Before I went to Portugal, I didn't know that there exists such place as Leiria. But my roommates knew. It was a little bit spontaneous trip (and also my first one here) however, I'm glad I went, even though it was raining for the most of the trip. 

We went on Sunday morning, so the city was a ghost town. Closed stores, restaurants, only some cafeterias were opened. We chose one of them on the main square and drank coffee while watching the world go by. You know what they say: "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee." And also, that day was raining. A lot. You can see how dark and grey the sky was in the pictures.

In Leiria you can find many churches. You can see crosses and steeples everywhere. The one we've seen is called Sé de Leiria.

The most interesting thing in this beautiful city is definitely Castelo de Leiria. I love castles. When I was writing the name of this post my fingers were itching to write "Castle On the Hill" (maybe that's because I'm obsessed with the Ed Sheeran's new album)

You can climb up the castle and pretend that you're still a kid. The space is open and you can go everywhere. For entrance you have to pay something around 1€, but I think that is more than ok for such a beautiful place. By the way, the view is incredible. Especially from the tower and balcony. I added pictures of everything below this text. The balcony is the best place to sit and enjoy the view. 

Totally soaked we got back to the city, mainly because we were hungry, bought some food and sat by the river. It wasn't raining anymore and sun somehow managed to dry most of the benches. The specific area around the river is called Parque Municipal de Leiria - the best place for sport activities in this city. It includes skate park for those, who are interested, and playground for kids. For me it would be the perfect place for running.

After that we went home. Next time I am in Leiria, I need to visit more churches and I'm definitely going, when the weather is better.



  1. Beautiful pictures! You go girl ❤❤❤

  2. Jsem ráda, že jsem narazila na tvůj blog, za 80 dní už budeme taky v Lisabonu, ty fotky jsou nádherné! :) <3

    1. Děkuji! :) Lisabon je úžasný. Myslím, že každý se v něm najde. Jen je tam trochu dráž, s tím bych počítala. Asi těžko budeme hledat zemi v západní Evropě, která má stejné ceny jako ČR. I když Portugalko je stále levnější než Španělsko nebo třeba Belgie (a co teprv Švýcarsko!). Každopádně to není nic drastického. :)

      Jinak, ještě se příprav na počasí. Jsou to velké výkyvy. V květnu už by to nemělo být tolik, ale i tak je lepší si vzít s sebou bundu, než mrznout. Navíc v Portugalsku jsou i hornaté oblasti, a tam se to hodí vždycky.

      Před odjezdem budou stresy, ale hned jak s přítelem dorazíte do Portugalska, hned budete klidní. Lidé jsou tu usměvavější, milejší, rádi poradí a pomůžou. Navíc tu vše jde pomalým tempem, nikdo moc nic neřeší...

      Omlouvám se, že jsem se tak rozepsala. :D Přeji hodně štěstí na cesty! :)

  3. Moc krásné fotky, musí to být paráda. Ráda bych se taky někam vydala :)

    1. Je to úžasné! Člověk pozná jinou kulturu, pocestuje...Určitě se vydej! :)

  4. Je to tam moc hezké! Na jednu stranu romantické uličky a na druhou strašidelný hrad. Krásné místo!

