
Dancing In The Rain

 Two weeks ago me and my family went on a holiday to the lake Lipno. I cannot deny its charm and beauty. Nature there is magnificent. For one whole day was raining cats and dogs, however it had this mysterious atmosphere which I enjoy very much. I love rainy weather. The time I am completely being myself, and want to just a) cuddle myself at home/in the hotel room with nicely warm cup of tea, a book and listen to the piano covers b) go outiside and dance/walk/run in the rain. Sometimes it gets so crazy, that I chant outside aloud "I'm singin' in the rain". My dad actually filmed me last time I did that.

 By the way I love my umbrella. My grandpa gave it to me last Autumn. When he asked me, if I want it, I haven't even considered my respond. Who can refuse The New York Times printed on an umbrella? I can't...

Newspaper Umbrella - Vintage (similar)
Parka - Mango (similar, similar)
Sweatshirt - Marks&Spencer (similar)
Black Jeans - Mango
Sneakers - DooDogs (similar)

Love life,

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